Public lecture: 'IMAGINING REALITY' by Sergio Oksman - 26 October 2022

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Wednesday 26th of October, 19:30
Netherlands Film Academy (Cinema on the 2nd floor)

We invite you to join our public lecture IMAGINING REALITY by Sergio Oksman on the 26th of October at 19:30.

RSVP via this link.

A public lecture by Sergio Oksman

In a kind of jam session composed by fragments of his own and other filmmaker’s works, Sergio Oksman will scrutinize how fiction and reality feed each other during the process of creating a documentary. In fact, the dissection goes beyond it: at this point, does it make sense to keep thinking of a frontier between documentary and fiction?

Oksman will uncover his unorthodox way of creating films, in which the unpredictable plays a key role. Reality is not something at our disposal to be captured as butterflies. It should be provoked, stimulated, re-invented. And the methodology to do it should be closer to the way poets create rather than how journalists follow their handbooks.

During the lecture, Oksman will screen his 2012 short film “A Story for the Modlins”, and will share with the audience the tempestuous process of directing it. 

After appearing in the film ROSEMARY’S BABY by Roman Polanski, Elmer Modlin ran away with his family to a distant land where they lock themselves inside a dark apartment for thirty years.

Sergio Oksman (São Paulo, Brazil. 1970) has lived in Madrid since 1998, where he works as a film director, producer and teacher. His films have received more than a hundred international awards and have been the subject of retrospectives at the 798 Art Zone (Beijing, 2012), Festival dei Popoli (Florence, 2016) and the Moreira Salles Institute (São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 2018). He is coordinator of the Documentary Film specialty at ECAM (Film Academy in Madrid), professor at EQZE and member of the Ikusmira Berriak Expert Committee since 2016.
