Workshop 'Artistiek Research in Cinema' in Vilnius (Litouwen) by Mieke Bernink and Jyoti Mistry

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At the request of the Film Academy of Vilnius, Mieke Bernink (lecturer Film Academy) and Jyoti Mistry (head of research HDK Valand, Gothenburg) traveled to Lithuania in February to give a three-day workshop to the teachers there on "what is artistic research, how do you do it and how do you guide it?

During the workshop the possible directions and future perspectives of artistic research were discussed. Mieke and Jyoti shared their years of experience in designing, conducting and developing MA and PhD studies in the field of cinema and in guiding artistic research.

The training was attended by master's degree teachers who guide film students in their theses, theater and film PhD students, and education specialists. The participants listened, discussed, exchanged experiences, carried out practical assignments, examined the subtleties of artistic research and the challenges of guiding artistic research.
