EYE presents: Found Footage programme with Master Film

The renowned found footage documentary maker Jay Rosenblatt is coming to Amsterdam next week for an exclusive workshop with our Master Film students, in cooperation with EYE Film Institute Netherlands.

All of Jay's films will be shown at EYE, see programme below.

On June 1st, the results of the workshop will be shown in EYE. It's recommended to reserve your tickets in advance. Student discount on presentation of your NFTA student card.

Friday 25 May, 16:00
Compilation programme Jay Rosenblatt 1

Monday 28 May, 17:15 hrs
Compilation programme Jay Rosenblatt 2

Thursday 31 May, 17:00 hrs

Compilation programme Jay Rosenblatt 3

Friday 1 June, 19:15 hrs

screening of workshop results and interview

Masterclass Jay Rosenblatt

Saturday 2 June, 17:00 hrs
Sans soleil

Jay Rosenblatt
