Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival 2016

Film Programme 1

Broken (work in progress) – gwen.n

Film Programme 1A
Parallel worlds, parallel time. A woman locked up in her apartment, or is it her head, framed by her alter ego running through the woods. Entering her world you are left with the question whether the space is real or a dream. Whether it is happening now or in the past? Whether it’s memory or projection? In this film gwen.n shows parts of her inner world in relation to events of her past. Her memories have been transformed, stylized and given a new body, a new space in a new time. Read more about gwen.n

Teterinskiy Pereulok 14 - gwen.n

Film Programme 1B
A woman in a Moscow apartment. The simplicity of her everyday routine actions and motions betrays a regime to keep control; a state of acceptance despite her restlessness. The fish eye effect expresses the endless criticism of the woman's inner voices about her physical appearance and transposes this discomfort onto the viewer. Read more about gwen.n

Redenzione (Redemption) – Matteo Canetta

A performative documentary constructed as a journey in literature. Classic Greek comedy, contemporary psychiatry essays and 20th century poetry are at the core of a pastiche like script. The characters encountered in the streets of a small southern Italy town explore and face the texts, while the authors are searching for forgiveness. Read more about Matteo


Rook - Mikko Keskiivari

In a small village in the Finnish countryside there is a TV-tower that resonates in the wind, in three different frequencies. This landmark plays a central role in Rook, a short documentary video, exploring ideas of scale, distance and perception through a dialogue between two different perspectives in two different times, connected through the physical space and the family relation of the main characters. Read more about Mikko

Side Roads - Julia Sokolnicka

Side Roads was framed from an archive of conversations with men and women driving along Polish roads. In this poetic road trip through the rural winter landscape of Poland, the intimate portraits of the drivers inside their cars or trucks are juxtaposed with grotesque architecture. Still frames capture absurd objects and people frozen in reflection about what’s really important. Read more about Julia
