news archive

Start of a new season!!

A new season of Master Film lectures is starting on October 1st. Eugenie Jansen, Albert Elings and Michel Schöpping will be speaking about their new film ABOVE US ALL. read more

New year, new group of Master students

The newly started Group 2016 is enjoying their introduction on a classic Dutch sailing boat. read more

Agnese Cornelio gets 3Package Deal

Alumnus Agnese Cornelio has been invited for the Artist in Residence programme 3Package Deal. This means she will be staying in Amsterdam to continue the research she started at the Master of Film. read more

Graduation films at Nederlands Film Festival

The Nederlands Film Festival has selected 3 master graduation films and 10 bachelor graduation films for its Student Competition. read more

Interviews in De Filmkrant

With the upcoming Graduation Show, De Filmkrant published three items on the Master of Film: an interview with Mieke Bernink and two interviews with graduating Master students Jelena Rosic and Margot Schaap. read more

Kick off Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival

The Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival has kicked off with the opening of the Master of Film Graduation Show on Wednesday 25 June.

In the first few days the master students will show their graduation works. From Monday 30 June the Bachelor students will be showing theirs.

Bart Römer, the Film Academy's director and Mieke Bernink, lector Master Film, opened the Graduation Show with opening drinks in EYE. Afterwards, the evening programme was filled with film screenings, workshops and guided tours of the installations. read more

Towards graduation 2014: three interviews with Master Film students

Three Master Film students talk about their graduation projects: Agnese Cornelio, Noël Loozen and Anca Oproiu will be graduating in June 2014. read more

Pedro Collantes wins Second Prize at AHK Graduation Prize 2013

Master Film alumnus Pedro Collantes has been awarded Second Prize at the AHK Graduation Prize 2013 for his graduation film 'Nothing Stranger'. read more

Master of Film Graduation Show

The Master of Film Graduation Show 2014: Something to Love(Scenes from a Moving Picture) will take place from 25 - 28 June at EYE in Amsterdam.

The programme, consisting of contextualized film screenings, a symposium, installations and a live programme features graduation works by:  Maria Ångerman, Agnese Cornelio, Jack Faber, Luiza Fagà, Noël Loozen, Anca Oproiu, Jelena Rosiċ, Margot Schaap and Sonja Wyss. read more

Master Film Lectures: new spring/summer lectures series

The new Master Film Lectures season starts on Wednesday 5 March with Wendelien van Oldenborgh's lecture Voice - Script - Public.
Please note: the lectures have moved to Wednesday evening! read more

The Master Film at IFFR 2014

Four films by Master Film graduates Pedro Collantes, Edwin and Yassine El Idrissi will be shown at International Film Festival Rotterdam (22 January - 2 February 2014). read more

Pedro Collantes nominated for AHK Graduation Prize 2013

Pedro Collantes' graduation film 'Nothing Stranger' is nominated for the AHK Graduation Prize 2013. Nine projects will be competing for the prize of €3,000. The winner will be announced on 24 March 2014. read more

Transcreation - interview with Luiza Faga

Luiza Faga graduated from the Master Film in December, 2013. Before, she studied journalism and documentary in Brazil and Cuba. She came to the Master with a clear idea of continuing to be a documentary filmmaker. But things changed considerably over the last two years. read the interview

Presentation in EYE by Franz Rodenkichen, Artist in Residence at the Master Film

'Lasting Moments’ by Franz Rodenkirchen, a research-based installation dealing with alternative approaches to screenwriting, is on display from 21 December – 20 January at EYE. This presentation concludes Rodenkirchen’s residency at the Netherlands Film Academy. read more

Graduation Show 'HORTUS' by Edwin

Master of Film Graduation Show: 'Hortus’, a one night exhibition by Edwin, exploring sensuality and intimacy in cinema. Sunday 8 December 2013, 18:00 -21:00 hrs, in the Ritsael theatre at DasArts. read more

Exploring sensuality and intimacy in cinema

Indonesian director Edwin will be graduating from the Master of Film in December. “My previous films were made in a country where expressions of intimacy in art is stigmatized and often banned. Despite those conditions, I have always tried to include intimacy in my films, and the result has always been a muted one.” read the interview

Walking a tightrope while cooking for hungry people

In September 2013, Jan Sebening joined the Master of Film team as Programme Coordinator. Read more about him in this interview.

Julia Kaiser and 'Soft Powers'

Our alumni: how are they doing? Julia Kaiser graduated cum laude from the Master of Film in July 2012. She is now working on her next project 'Soft Powers', a continuation of her graduation film 'Farewell to Han'. read more

Extra screenings graduation works 2013

On 15 and 16 October, we will be screening all Master Film graduation works of 2013 in the Film Academy Cinema. Seats are limited, so please be sure to make your reservations asap.

'GREIFENSEE' nominated for Golden Calf

'GREIFENSEE' by Master Film student Sonja Wyss is nominated for Best Short Film in the Golden Calf Competition at the Netherlands Film Festival. Wyss' debut feature 'Winterstilte' was awarded a Colden Calf Award for Best Sound Design in 2008. read more about Sonja Wyss

'ESKIPER' nominated for Tuschinski Award

Pedro Collantes' short film 'ESKIPER' is nominated for the Tuschinski Award in the NFF Student Competition 2013 at the Nederlands Film Festival in Utrecht. The winners will be announced in an award ceremony on 29 September at 20:30 hrs. read more about Pedro Collantes

The Master Film in Utrecht

The Master Film is well represented this year at the Nederlands Film Festival in Utrecht (25 September - 4 October 2013), with a lecture by Franz Rodenkirchen, films by Master Film students and alumni in various programmes, the premiere of Sander Blom's film 'Ataraxia' and graduation films in the NFF Student Competition. read more

Master Film Lectures: new fall/winter lectures series

The new season starts on Tuesday 3 September 2013 at 19:30 hrs with Gabriel Lester's lecture TimeSpace. read more

Master of Film Graduation Show 2013

From 26 - 29 June 2013, the graduating master students showed their work in EYE and Nachtlab Overhoeks. The graduates presented a diversity of results of two years of research and development in film and visual arts. read more

Vladimir Simic receives AHK Talent Grant

Master Film student Vladimir Simic has been awarded the AHK Talent Grant (Profileringsfonds) for non-EEA students that demonstrate exceptional merit.
read more

Graduation website is online

The Master of Film Graduation Show 2013 website is online! Read more about the master students and their graduation projects on

Teaser: Graduation Show 2013


Bogomir Doringer and 'Hospitality'

Our alumni: how are they doing? In September 2011, Bogomir Doringer graduated cum laude from the Master Film. Since then, his graduation project 'Hospitality' has been shown in Amsterdam, Oldenburg, Vienna, Paris, Rome, Singapore and Switzerland. Most recently, 'Hospitality' was shown in the G12 HUB Gallery in Belgrade from 28 January - 15 February 2013. read more

Among Horses & Men

Marjoleine Boonstra is a film maker, photographer and mentor in the Master’s Degree Programme of NFTA.

Her new film 'Among Horses & Men' is now showing in four cinemas across the Netherlands and at international festivals.
In this film, the wild, unrefined worlds of wild horses and wild men meet in the desert landscape of Nevada. The vast Nevada desert is still home to large herds of wild horses. read more

Coming soon: Graduation Show 2011

From 8 - 11 September 2011, the Graduation Show for the first seven students will take place at cinema Het Ketelhuis and the adjacent MC at Culture Park Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. read more

Sam Yazdanpanna: stories of fragments

Sam Yazdanpanna Ardekani (Iran 1980) investigates the transformation of identity, the tension between fiction and documentary and the fragmentation of the narrative. What will be his second year project? read more

Reinilde Jonkhout: experiences and artificiality

After a confrontation with perspectives from very different backgrounds, the class of 2013 followed the block Experiences: a series of hands on workhops focussing on transformation. Reinilde Jonkhout looks back. read more

Debate around script and talent development at Nederlands Film Festival

Friday 23 September, 20:30 - 22:00 hrs
Blauwe Zaal / Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

The Master’s Degree Programme of the NFTA and the Netherlands Film Festival are organising a debate around script- and talent development, as part of the Beeldenstorm and Revisie Programmes. read more

Group 2014: inspired in Rotterdam

Eleven new students just entered the Master’s Degree Programme in January 2012. We asked them to go to the International Film Festival Rotterdam and share some of the reflections about the films that inspire them. Check these five:

- Balint Mark Turi
- Margot Schaap
- Maria Ångerman
- Fedor Sendak
- Pablo Núñez Palma
read more

How inspiration works

Ten new students just entered the Master’s Degree Programme. To begin with, we asked them to go to the International Film Festival Rotterdam and share some of the reflections about the films that inspire them.
Check these four:

- Gwendolyn Nieuwenhuize
- Pedro Collantes
- Jovana Tokic
- Alexander McKenzie
read more

Between the visible and the invisible

Reinier Noordzij (1981) studied direction at the Theatre Academy Maastricht (2007). He has since worked as an assistant director, as an actor and as a casting director. He embarked on the Master of Film Programme in 2009.

'Writing and directing for film and TV is the course I have chosen. I learned a great deal about actor direction in Maastricht, where the programme is good, broad based and highly disciplined. And although I enjoy working with stage actors, I have always had this urge to make films.' read more

How to direct transformation?

Bogomir Doringer (Yugoslavia, 1983) has a background in fashion design and visual art. After studying Sociology in Belgrade and completing a Bachelor’s at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, he started the Master of Film Programme in 2009.

'I grew up in Yugoslavia during wartime. It was an intense and inspiring time with lots of uncontrolled isolated 'freedom', which required maturity at an early age. My exit from the war-isolated zone was film, and the offering was amazing: in one day I could watch Almodovar, Bergman, Lynch, John Carpenter and Dynasty.' read more

Screenwriting: a study

Bart Juttmann (1981) graduated as a scriptwriter from the Film Academy in 2005. He wrote several scripts, directed a short film and commenced the Master’s Degree Programme in 2009. Why?

'What I actually want to learn is screenwriting. To me, this implies writing lucid scripts. I have no interest in dictating whole series of details about cutting, light or diction, but want to inspire the cast and crew to perform at their absolute best.' read more

Group 2013: research snapshots

Three kinds of investigations
How do the students of group 2013 address their research questions? Check these three:

- Yassine El Idrissi
- Ruben van Leer
- Jelena Rosic
read more

Group 2014: a new selection

In June 2011, we selected eleven remarkable young artists who will commence the Master’s Degree Programme in January 2012.

Out of 62 applicants, a 30% increase, we invited 21 students for an interview. The competition was fierce. Read more about the new students here.

A new mentor: Rada Šešiċ

"I'll support students in their curiosity to seek answers beyond given frames."
As the successor of Patrick Minks, who has decided to give priority to film making over teaching, we welcome Rada Šešic (1957) as a new mentor. She is a film maker, critic, curator and a film lecturer. read more

Graduation Show 2012: 13, 14 & 15 July

Screenings, exhibition, live programme
In July, six master students will present their Graduation Show 2012 in the brand new building of EYE Film Institute Netherlands. The show will be supervised by Suzanne Wallinga. read more

Alumni 2011: update

In September 2011, the first seven Master of Film students graduated.
How are they doing?

- Bogomir Doringer
- Reinier Noordzij
- Taatske Pieterson
read more

2012 graduates' final sprint: what's up?

These are busy days for our 2012 Master Film graduates. They are finalizing their research projects, writing essays, preparing presentations and producing the Graduation Show in July. How do they progress? read more

New mentor #2: Sander Blom

Sander Blom (NL, 1963) started as one of two new Master Film mentors in March.
"As a student, it was my aim to shoot one sequence of film that would be entirely true. I couldn't."
  read interview

New mentor #3: Albert Elings

Albert Elings (NL, 1965) is the other new mentor we welcomed in March.
"A good research question will always be related to the practice of the audiovisual arts: how can I use the outcome in my development or production process?"

read interview

Programme Graduation Show online

The full programme for the Master Film Graduation Show 2012: BELOW SEA LEVEL - Explorations in Film is online.
This programme is part of Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival.
read more

Students make book

In collaboration with guest editor and novelist Maya Rasker, nine of our students made the book Hospitality is not a home, vol.4 no1 of RTRSRCH. read more

EYE presents: Found Footage programme with Master Film

Renowned found footage documentary maker Jay Rosenblatt is coming to Amsterdam next week for an exclusive workshop with our Master Film students, in cooperation with EYE Film Institute Netherlands. All of Jay's films, as well as the workshop results, will be shown at EYE. read more

Master Film student receives AHK Talent Grant

Master Film student Jelena Rosic has been awarded the AHK Talent Grant (Profileringsfonds) for non-EEA students that demonstrate exceptional merit.
read more

Eyal Sivan Artist in Residence at Filmacademy

From the end of October until half December 2012 documentary filmmaker Eyal Sivan will be Artist in Residence at the Filmacademy's master film. During his residency, Sivan will be working on several research projects, while his own work, the development of the master's course and the mentoring of the master students will be leading. read more

Linda Aronson guest lecturer at Filmacademy

The Filmacademy's Master Film and Scenario departments are hosting a two-day course by Linda Aronson -exclusively for their students- on how to write non-linear and multi-strand screenplays.
Linda Aronson is the first person to provide practical guidelines on how to write a wide range of non-linear and multi-story films which do not fit the conventional ‘one hero on a single journey’ model and use techniques like flashback and multiple protagonists. read more


a proposal presentation event by Eyal Sivan in collaboration with students of the master’s programme. Structured around the format of ‘the proposal’ this event concludes Sivan’s presence as Artist in Residence at the Filmacademy. 8 February 2013 at Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam. read more

Master Film Graduation Show: 'Working Frames'

Ginta Tinte Vasermane will be graduating from the Master Film programme with her installation 'Working Frames'. 6 - 9 December 2012 at Service Garage, Amsterdam. read more

Report: Master Film Graduation Show

In December 2012, Ginta Tinte Vasermane graduated from the Master of Film with an exhibition of five video works. The location was an old garage in Amsterdam, transformed into an exhibition space, Service Garage. read more

Coming soon: Graduation Show 2013

From 26 - 29 June 2013 our graduating master students will be presenting their work in EYE and Nachtlab Overhoeks (the former Shell tower). The Master Film Graduation Show is part of the Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival (26 June - 5 July 2013). read more

Master of Film lecture series

Every other Tuesday night the Master Film invites guests to come and give a lecture. Speakers can be film makers, visual artists, composers but also philosophers, scientists or film theoreticians. The spring/summer programme includes lectures by: Ibrahim Quraishi, Renzo Martens, Patricia Pisters and Dan Geesin. read more

Group 2015: IFFR impressions

We asked the ten new students that started the Master’s Degree Programme 2013-2015 in January to share some of their impressions of International Film Festival Rotterdam with us. Here are some of their stories. read more

Reinier Noordzij and 'EDWIN'

Our alumni: how are they doing? Reinier Noordzij, one of the first Master Film alumni who graduated in 2011, tells us about his project 'EDWIN' and what else he has been up to. read more

New mentor: Aneta Lesnikovska

Aneta Lesnikovska joined the Master Film's educational team in May 2013 as a student mentor. Read more about her in this interview


As part of the Artist in Residency programme of Eyal Sivan, a group of students from the Master Film produced 'Revisit', a short film that was shown at the presentation Sivan gave as a conclusion to his residency under the title 'Framing Perpetrators'. read more

Towards graduation: three interviews

Three Master Film students talk about their graduation projects: Pedro Collantes de Teran Bayonas, Claire van der Poel and Sonja Wyss. read more

New Artist in Residence: Franz Rodenkirchen

From May to October of this year, script consultant Franz Rodenkirchen will be Artist in Residence at the Netherlands Film Academy and its master’s department. In that period he will conduct research into the challenges that face traditional script writing.
Kick-off for the residency is a public lecture Rodenkirchen will give on May 7, from 19.30–21.30 at the Film Academy, under the title ‘Different times, different scripts. Or: how can we write cinema’. This lecture is part of the Master of Film Lecture Series. read more
