
Debate around script and talent development at Nederlands Film Festival

Friday 23 September 2011, 20:30 - 22:00 hrs
Blauwe Zaal / Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

The Master’s Degree Programme of the Netherlands Film and Television Academy and the Netherlands Film Festival are organising a debate around script- and talent development, as part of the Beeldenstorm and Revisie Programmes.

In the Dutch film industry, script- and talent development have formed a hermetically closed system. The Master of Film Programme at the NFTA pleads for open research and open development. Single screen cinema benefits from forms of (open) development that exist in for example visual arts and architecture. Here, the main objective is not a singular end result, but the filmmaker’s research. That research will lead to images and stories of various kinds, resulting in works that are accessible to the public. It may seem a detour, but eventually you’ll get there….

- Ido Abram, sector manager presentation, education and communication EYE Film Institute, formerly director Binger Filmlab
- Aliona van der Horst, documentary filmmaker (a.o. 'Water Children', 'Boris Ryzhy')
- Meindert Kok, teacher IMFVX - interactive media and visual effects – NFTA
- Aneta Lesnikovska, filmmaker (a.o. 'Does It Hurt'); developing a transmedia project
- Joost Rekveld, experimental filmmaker and artist (a.o. '# 37; #11, Marey < > Moire') and head of the ArtScience master’s degree programme at KABK in The Hague).

The debate will be moderated by Patrick Minks, editor, filmmaker and staff member of the Master of Film programme at NFTA.

Please note: On the same Friday at 16:15 hrs in City 3, the Netherlands Film Festival will be screening four short films made by three students that have just graduated from the Master of Film Programme: Naar het bos - Lisette Olsthoorn; Het laatste woord - Bart Juttmann; Dubbel geparkeerd and Eskalibur by Reinier Noordzij. The Centraal Museum will be showing Pose, an installation by Kay Schuttel.

More information on the students: and the master’s degree programme:

For more information and the full programme of the Nederlands Film Festival, please see

Nederlands Film Festival 2011
