Nduka Mntambo | hoofd master programma

Sinds 2021 is Nduka Mntambo hoofd van de Master of Film - artistic research in and though cinema op de Filmacademie. Nduka Mntambo is een beeldmaker die werkt in de tussenruimten van stedelijke ruimtelijke praktijken, experimenteel film maken en pedagogiek. Hij werkte als ontwerper van theater- en filmproducties, werkte voor de openbare omroepen, en is gepromoveerd in film. De installatie 'Asymmetries' die deel uitmaakte van zijn promotieonderzoek werd bekroond met de Humanities and Social Sciences Awards for best Best Visual Art Works 2020.
Nduka Mntambo | head of master programmme

Nduka Mntambo is an image-maker working in the interstices of urban spatial practices, experimental filmmaking, and pedagogy. He has worked extensively as a theatre and film production designer, commissioned works for public broadcasters and holds a PhD in Film. The ‘Asymmetries’ installation that was part of his PhD research was awarded the Humanities and Social Sciences Awards for best Best Visual Art Works 2020. Nduka’s research interests deal with the question how artistic practice and research can re-invigorate the epistemic lenses by which we understand urban life in cities of the ‘global south’ in particular, and the poetics and politics of urbanity in general. - www.ndukamntambo.com