The VRAcademy is an initiative of the Netherlands Film Academy and the Visual Effects & Immersive Media department. The VRAcademy was launched in 2017, with the aim of stimulating innovation and cross-fertilization between educational institutions and the industry. 


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Students from all academies of the Amsterdam University of the Arts can, through collaboration, discover the latest techniques, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). They learn to develop concepts outside established structures, and investigate what these new techniques can offer them in their own field. It is these crossovers between academies that are particularly important.

The Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) stimulates and supports projects in which interdisciplinarity can be researched and developed. In addition to the Netherlands Film Academy, who plays a pioneering role in this project, the other academies of the AHK are also highly involved.

The VRAcademy is part of the VRBASE. This incubator focuses on supporting start-ups and freelancers in the field of VR and AR. The community that is formed offers continuous opportunities to all participants. VRBASE and the VRAcademy are located on the Marineterrein in Amsterdam.

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