Sasha is a story about a fictional Russian painter who suffers from a serious identity crisis. Is essence it is a film about painting itself; the doctor is stating a diagnosis for his patient with the help of only a painting by the hand of latter, in this way diagnosing the state of painting in general.
- Jaar
- Lengte (min.)
- Crew
Countries of production Lithuania, the Netherlands
language Russian and Lithuanian
language of subtitles English
Written, directed and edited by Channa Boon
Camera Channa Boon
Sound design Huibert Boon
Location managers Catherine Hemelryk, Rasa Juškeviciutė
Assistant Production Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Catherine Hemelryk
Translations Julija Fomina, Aleksandra Fomina, Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Catherine Hemelryk
Logistics Catherine Hemelryk
Prompter Rytis Saladžius
Colour correction Laurent Fluttert
Set design Audrius Duminkas, Channa Boon
Stills Andrej Vasilenko
Cast Andrius Seliuta, Eduard Murašov, AndriusPulkauninkas, Liubov Timochova, Audrius Dumikas, Andrej Vasilenko,
Gediminas G. Akstinas
Special thanks Fonds BKVB, Stroom Den Haag, Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius
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