Str. Drapelului nr.0
In the suburbs of a Romanian town, autumn 1985: a former Miss Seaside, a retired train inspector, a lonely huntsman, a hipped cook, a lovelorn boyscout and two nonidentical twin sisters run a local secret police office in their groundfloor apartment.
- Jaar
- Lengte (min.)
- Crew
director/writer/producer Anca Oproiu
camera Tudor Vladimir Panduru
editors Letitia Stefanescu, Mihai Popa
sound Daniel Olteanu
starring Andrei Hutuleac, Constantin Draganescu, Olga Delia Mateescu,Constantin Barbulescu, Oana Popescu, Andrei Morariu, Ovidiu Georgescu, Irina Bucescu, Ioana Chitu, Toma Cuzin, Corneliu Ulici
genre black comedy
language Romanian with English subtitles
countries of production Romania, the Netherlands- Website
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