Light as Feathers
black comedy feature film proposal
‘Light as Feathers’ takes place in a non-idyllic rural village and follows a boy of 15. In the film, the relationships within his family are central. The boy is raised by his young mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. All three dominant strong women. The relationship between the boy and his mother is characterized by a close but imbalanced relationship, in which she uses him when she needs him. The boy’s father is out of the picture, and his mother’s new boyfriend plays a passive role in his life. The boy abuses his 13 year old female neighbor who is often at their home. He does this by manipulating her into sexual contact. When the girl becomes pregnant, and the abuse is noted, those involved want to take matters into their own hands. It escalates. The priest of the village gets involved, but he is old and forgetful. No one benefits from his interference and the families are confronted with the abusive situation, which took place in their community. They have to deal with it.
- Jaar
- Crew
Country of production
Rosanne PelCo-director
Robert WožniakWriter
Rosanne PelCamera
Aafke BeerninkEditor
Berend van EerdeSound
Leleane LindenaarCast
Eryk Walny, Ewa Makuła, Klaudia Przybylsk, Wanda Sobczak, Maciej Debowski
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