1. Maria Molina
One Year Life Strata
One Year Life Strata is a new media project that emerged from an experiment Maria Molina did in 2015. After impulsively recollecting her daily life with a camera during a full year, the experiment became an interactive project that offers a novel experience on digital forgetting and data visualisation.  The project intends to open a reflection on the indiscriminate use of digital memory and the value of forgetting. 

The interactive installation is composed of three screens and a data topographic section, of the full year’s images, printed in 3d.  

2. Louis Hothothot
12 Moments

The book documents, in 12 moments, the research trip Louis Hothothot made in China at the end of 2016, beginning of 2017.

As an Author, as a Son
Reconstruction of an archive
Printed photographs from Louis Hothothot’s family archive, combined with historical footage. Using his own subjective take on the archival footage he links the past of his own family to Mao’s political legacy. 

3. Jyoti Mistry
‘When I grow up I want to be a black man’
Multimedia installation, from 23 June until 10 July 
A black man runs through a field.
A black man runs on the beach.
A black man runs through a city.
The black man in always running, he is always chased, he is always running…
Running to save his life.

This diptych uses archival footage from the EYE Film Museum and the GDR Film Der kleine Kuno (1959) to create two narratives. The narrative of the colonial past is framed through the alphabet of violence which is contrasted with the alphabet of freedom. Using cinematic strategies with newly filmed footage, the two screens create an opportunity to reflect on how images might be “decolonised”  to imagine a future in which black masculinity might be redefined.

Jyoti Mistry has created the installation When I grow up I want to be a black man as part of herArtist in Residency at the Netherlands Film Academy and the Master of Artistic Research in and through Cinema.
