Red Kid Black Kid
Research presentations (25/6)
Coloured tours
DAS Exhibition Space
My long-term research is titled Identity in the biopolitical age, and concentrates on how political power disciplines our identities.
My project Red Kid Black Kid is a documentary film in development.
About my position as an illegal child, born in the period of the Chinese one-child policy, and my personal conflict with my father.
Through a personal narrative, this film also expresses a set of conflicts between socialism and capitalism, collectivism and individualism, authority and the individual, Maoism and humanism. The project will invite audiences to engage with a simple story that in fact deals with how political ideologies and authorities discipline our identities.
Artist statement
as a son, I desire to move away from the influence of my father;
as a black son, I desire to challenge authority’s oppression;
as an immigrant, I desire to blur cultural boundaries;
as a citizen, I desire to escape ideological control;
as an artist, I desire to think freely.
Louis Hothothot
Louis Hothothot was born in China in 1986. He studied graphic design, video art, and animation at the China Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing from 2004 to 2008. He enrolled in the Master of Fine Arts program at the Dutch Art Institute in 2012 and graduated in 2014. He works as a multimedia artist combining video, visual arts, graphic design and performance. His current research focuses on film narrative and cinematic language.
In 2013 Louis Hothothot started a long-term collaboration with French performance artist and choreographer Artémise Ploegaerts. He regularly shows his works in museums, galleries, and theatres. In Amsterdam, he has exhibited in the EYE Film Museum, Dansmakers, the Oostblok Theaterand in the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven.
Louis Hothothot regularly publishes his art and film reviews in media outlets, such as the Financial Times and in the magazines Art & Design, Art World and New Graphic