EYE, Cinema 2
Research Presentations (cinema 2)
13:45 - 15:35
Louis Hothothot
Revisiting the Future
Louis Hothothot presents his autobiographical documentary project ‘Red Kid, Black Kid’. In this film in development he questions power relations within his own family as well as in China under Mao. Louis will elaborate on how he struggled to find his own voice, when working with historical footage as well as family archives. He will also explain about how he tries to bring the language of graphic design and video art into his documentary practice.
Gustavo Lorgia Garnica
Coming out of the Indigenous Closet
research presentation
Which are the challenges and limitations of studying indigenous philosophy within a western, eurocentric frame? In this presentation, I open up my artistic research to evidence the failures, accomplishments and questions gathered during my ethnographic journeys through Colombia.