Tickets available via EYE

The film screenings and live programme for the Artistic Research Week are free. Tickets can be collected at the EYE ticket desk starting the day before the event (max. 4 tickets per person per event). It is not possible to make reservations.

Friday 22 June

Saturday 23 June

23.06.18, 13:00 uur
DAS, Exhibition Space | Grootlab
23.06.18, 20:00 uur
EYE, Cinema 2

Monday 25 June

25.06.18, 13:00 uur
DAS, Exhibition Space | Grootlab

Tuesday 26 June

26.06.18, 13:00 uur
DAS, Exhibition Space | Grootlab

Wednesday 27 June

27.06.18, 13:00 uur
DAS, Exhibition Space | Grootlab
27.06.18, 13:45 uur
EYE, Cinema 2