Towards graduation: three interviews

Three Master Film students talk about their graduation projects.

Pedro Collantes (Spain, 1980)

Contaminate fiction with everyday life
We talk to Pedro Collantes while he is in Japan for an acting workshop. In March 2013, as an Artist in Residence at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel, he will be preparing a short film that he intends to present at the Graduation Show 2013 in EYE. read more

Claire van der Poel (the Netherlands, 1977)

Directing transformation while undergoing it
"In 2009, while doing research for a documentary about the phenomenon ‘2012, the end of the world as we know it’, I decided that the new Master’s Degree Programme was a great opportunity. I would be able to develop this project as well as investigate the theme of transformation and build my creative identity. To me, transformation is the most fascinating aspect in life. This fascination is always reflected in my work, in one way or another." read more

Sonja Wyss (Switzerland, 1967)

Completing intuition with reflection
"So far, my films don’t contain dialogue. My research question is: how can I use language as a cinematic element without overshadowing the image?  In order to investigate this question I have written three short texts, based on personal memories. Each of these texts is the basis for two or three different screenplays. In each of them, language plays a different role." read more

Group 2013

Read more about the alumni of 2013.

Group 2013 graduated in June 2013. Read more about their Graduation Show in EYE and Nachtlab Overhoeks.
