Foto impressie Filmacademie 8 juni 2020 Midden in de coronacrisis is de dynamiek in het gebouw van de Nederlandse Filmacademie bijna stil komen te staan. Gelukkig mogen sinds 6 mei weer vierdejaars studenten hun eindexamenfilms afmaken en lijkt het erop dat we op 15 juni…
Fons Beijer Composing for Film Pepe Favela Scenario Thijmen Knook Productie Emiel van Vliet Visual Effects & Immersive Media Zeynep Dülger Scenario Boyd Bakema Cinematography Anneliek Noordermeer Montage Hannah van Buchem Scenario Jacco Kooistra Visual Effects & Immersive…
Maandag 3 juli | Nederlandse Filmacademie 03.07.23 Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival 2023 Eye Filmmuseum | Nederlandse Filmacademie 03.07.23, 14:00 uur FINNISAGE ARTISTIC RESEARCH WEEK 2023 EYE, Cinema 2 03.07.23, 14:00 uur Exam Classical | Zachary West - Voice Theaterzaal,…
Friday 30 June | Eye 26.02.23, 20:56 uur Kom werken in de VRSpace 30.06.23 Keep an Eye Filmacademie Festival 2023 Eye Filmmuseum | Nederlandse Filmacademie 30.06.23, 20:00 uur Opening Artistic Research Week (on invite only) EYE, Cinema 2 Saturday 1 July | Eye 01.07.23 Keep…
SUSPENSION POINTS Master of Film - Artistic Research Week Friday 2 October – Monday 5 October 2020 Film screenings, Installations, Performances at Eye & A Lab (Amsterdam) Misho Antadze, Alberto Delgado de Ita, Federico Sande Novo, Juan Palacios, and Sophie Wright, present…
Master of Film - Artistic Research Week Friday 15 October – Tuesday 19 October 2021 Film screenings, Installations, Performances at MACA Free entrance (no reservations needed) In a sense the two-years master’s programme knows no end… Because of the programme’s emphasis on…
The Artistic Research Week is a part of the Keep an Eye Film Academy Festival, which takes place from 28 June to 6 July 2019 at the Eye Filmmuseum and ATD Studios at Grootlab. The festival presents the graduation work of the Film Academy’s master’s and bachelor’s students.…
BACHELOR PROGRAMMA LICHTING 2020 maandag 5 t/m zaterdag 10 oktober 2020 Eindexamenfilms, commercials & showcases in Eye | Online Lichting 2020 neemt afscheid van de Filmacademie en betreedt het beroepsveld. Meer dan 80 studenten van negen verschillende studierichtingen van…
Blok B the resurrection of a leaf Merhamet Paul en Paul the resurrection of a leaf | Merhamet | Paul en Paul BLOK B te zien: Woensdag 5 juli 12:30 - 13:45, Eye Cinema 1 Tickets Zaterdag 8 juli 12:30 - 14:00, Eye Cinema 1 Tickets Zondag 9 juli 16:30 - 18:00, Eye Cinema 1…