
14 November 2023 | 17.15-20:45
Idea Lab #1 - Questioning (What? Why?) with Raphael Rodan

The main goal of the session will be to explore ideas and clarify the nature and key terms of the enquiry by connecting them to the unique subjective POV and experience of each participant. We want to instigate an open dialogue between participants, establishing the group itself as one of the critical core elements of the research process. We want to ask what it is that you want to know and why? What is the proposed research project trying to find out? What is the enquiry? What will you practically do while pursuing your interest?

28 November 2023 | 17.15-19:00
ONLINE: Case Study #1

12 December 2023 | 17.15-20:15
Idea Lab #2 - Experimentation and Methods (How?) with Albert Elings & Eugenie Janssen

The goal of this session builds from the previous one in which participants were invited to articulate what activities and actions will be done in the research project. From the ‘what’ of the research we will now move on to discussing the ‘how’. In a playful hands-on manner participants will generate ideas for experiments, and reflect on the position of experimentation and other research activities in the context of an evolving/unfolding research proposal.

19 December 2023 | 17.15-19:00
ONLINE: Case Study #2

16 January 2024 | 17.15-20:15
Idea Lab #3 - Documentation and Publication (For Whom?) with Stanisław Liguziński and Julian Ross

In the third session we will try to identify what areas of participants’ research might be interesting to whom, and how to communicate them. Focusing on one primary outcome, we often neglect valuable insights that are being created on the “sidelines” of our research and which could be potentially useful to others as methods, making of’s, instructions, warnings etc. If, working on the film, someone found an interesting method to work with actors, maybe it deserves to be made into a workshop? Or, perhaps, doing location scouting, a sound designer recorded soundscapes that reveal something interesting about the environment, which could be made into a podcast?  Looking at the potential recipients of your work, we will speculate what kind of additional knowledge/value, which we didn’t necessarily consider before, we create and how to bring it across to others.

30 January 2024 | 17.15-19:00
ONLINE: Case Study #3

13 February 2024 | 17.15-20:45
Idea Lab #4 - Conceptualization (What-Why-How-To Whom?) with Cristiana Strava

In the last session, we will revisit all the previously asked questions in order to reformulate our research looking at what everyone has done or intended to do. We will try to identify together what knowledge we might have produced in our time together, what knowledge we still hope to muster, and how to put that across to others.

May/June 2024
Joint Public Presentation

In the spring of 2024, the Lectoraat will organize a joint event for the participants of the Greenhouse for Students, Greenhouse for Teachers, Kenniskring, and everyone else from our community who wants to share their research with the community of the NFA. It will not be a presentation of finished works, but of research efforts and progress, which can be used as a feedback moment, helping you further refine the ideas.

[Consultations, including internal meetings with Mieke Bernink and Stanisław Liguziński will be scheduled individually]
