Master of Film | Shifting Perspective | Exhibition

Monday 01 July 2019, 13:00 - 19:00 hrs.
ATD Studios at Grootlab

This year’s Artistic Research Week is titled Shifting Perspective. The research projects and interests, however different – from feminist politics via media technology to archival practices – all circle around the need to shift perspective.

Turn the camera a little to the right or to the left, zoom in or zoom out, look underneath or from above: changing one’s perspective means seeing different things, or seeing the same things differently. Change your view on your working method and you realize process is more important than product. Stop taking your body for granted and you see how society has imprinted its rules on it.

Step away from behind the camera – literally and in spirit - and find that that same camera can create and not just record intimacy. Rethink your position as a director and find that improvisation gives space to all. Or interrogate media’s production of meaning and truth and you allow for imagination to come to the fore again...

The exhibition comprises installations by the eight graduating researchers of the Master of Film.

Part of this year’s exhibition is also the Ten Years Masters of Film installation. This installation offers a selection of the finest film and art projects that originated within the context of the programme.The participating alumni are Maria Molina Peiró (2017), Agnese Cornelio (2014), Louis HotHotHot (2017), Emilio Reyes-Bassail (2017), Rosanne Pel (2015) and Ruben van Leer (2013).
