The Netherlands Film Academy
The Netherlands Film Academy trains students to become leading, resourceful professionals in the film industry. Our starting point is telling stories in line with cinematographic tradition. Besides the big screen, current developments and possibilities regarding alternative platforms and distribution opportunities have a pertinent place within our education.
De development of creativity, urgency and innovation within the principle of storytelling forms the backbone of the school. The Netherlands Film Academy offers students a learning environment wherein they can, on the highest level possible, acquire knowledge, skills and experience in the craft of filmmaking. Central to this is the individual development of the student within the set learning route.
The Netherlands Film Academy provides an essential contribution to film culture through permanent research into the relationship between images and sound, and by stimulating an investigative, critical and reflective attitude by filmmakers.
The Netherlands Film Academy is an international acclaimed cinematographic education, unique in its kind in The Netherlands. The school and its alumni have significant influence on Dutch film- and media culture and contribute to the international development of cinematographic culture in a distinctive way. The Film Academy trains passionate professionals whose creativity and expertise add value to large variety of projects they work on with other professionals.
Through research and reflection, The Film Academy also serves as a think tank and source of information for the sector, with whom the Film Academy intensively collaborates.
Annually circa 90 students graduate from The Netherlands Film Academy in the nine bachelor specializations and the master’s programme. Lessons are provided by over 70 fixed employees and approximately 200 guest lecturers.
The head of the organization is formed by the board of the school, together with the management team. Study leaders, teachers and instructors are akin to each specialization, and are assisted by, among others, quality assurance employees, the education office, and the facility department.
The Advisory Committee and Faculty Council advise the board.
Building and facilities
The Netherlands Film Academy has been located on the Markenplein since 1999, in the centre of Amsterdam nearby Waterlooplein. Architect Koen van Velsen designed the building specifically for film education.
Besides classrooms, studios and a movie theatre, the building houses office spaces for production students, sound engineering studios, editing studios and a decor workshop. In one study year, about a 120 films are produced, from small exercises to graduation films.
All the equipment and software our students work with meet professional quality requirements.
The Netherlands Film Academy was founded in 1958 by Dr. Jan Marie Peters. In 1960, the institute became officially recognized as a school. In 1965 our education was expanded to a four year long program. Three specializations were offered: an ‘artistic’ route, with courses such as directing and script writing, a ‘technical’ route with courses such as camera, sound and editing, and third: a production route.
In 1975, when electronic media was becoming increasingly important, the decision was made to accord film and television an equal part within the lessons- and practice program. That same year, the name of the academy was officially changed to ‘The Netherlands Film and Television Academy’. In March 2009 the first Master Programme (Master of Film - artistic research) was commenced. In 2013 the academy changed back to its original name: The Netherlands Film Academy.
In 1987 several other Bachelor of Arts studies merged into the organization Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). The AHK consists of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Academy of Theatre and Dance, Breitner Academy, Reinwardt Academy, Academy of Architecture and the Netherlands Film Academy,
In 2018, the Netherlands Film Academy celebrated its 60th anniversary.
Quality Mark
Once every six years the quality of education is tested by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). In 2020 & 2021, the bachelor and master course were examined. The bachelor Movie and Television and the master Film both scored ‘well’ on all tested parts.
The Netherlands Film Academy
- leading education
- top facilities
- fruitful network (within the work field and international film education)
- small scale school in the heart of Amsterdam
- historic institute embedded in overarching arts university
Bachelor’s degree
- story tellers (goes for all bachelor specializations: content and craftsmanship go hand in hand)
- interdisciplinary (collaboration): synergy
- craftsmanship (specialists)
- good career prospects
- renowned (guest) teachers
- movies (also) for the big screen
Master programme - Master of Film (artistic research)
- vision of the course is based on artistic research
- small scale and international
- personal trajectory of the student central
- international network
- well qualified (international) teachers
- process oriented (instead of product oriented)
- budget for personal research project provided by the academy