MICHAEL BUCUZZO – Tuning Room: Invoking the Medium (Audio Visual Lecture Performance)

Saturday 01 July 2023, 19:30 - 20:30 hrs.
EYE, Cinema 2

MICHAEL BUCUZZO – Tuning Room: Invoking the Medium 
Audio Visual Lecture Performance

In a mixture of live readings, film screenings and sound performance, filmmaker Michael Bucuzzo assumes the role of the medium to explore our growing media world.  

Our present landscapes experience such a free-flowing torrent of mass media that our very psyches are seemingly fused with the material we consume. As the pace accelerates, how might such extreme sonic and visual pollution be confronted?  

Through a mediumistic channeling of sound and image, filmmaker Michael Bucuzzo explores the ways popular media affects and reflects us. In this performative talk, he unfolds his research and film work – traveling from luxury american hotels to contemporary internet data centers to challenge the way we encounter sonic and visual culture. Using experience forged in the US commercial film industry, he unfolds the emotional, almost mystical powers embedded within the sounds and images that face us.


