Erasmus+ project granted to Netherlands Film Academy for 'FILMED' (laboratory for film education)

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Under the name FILMED - Laboratory for film education. From discourse to practice, the Lectorate of the Film Academy together with the Łódź Film School in Poland and HDK Valand in Sweden submitted an Erasmus+ grant proposal for a joint educational development project. We recently received word that our request has been granted.

The three-year project - 2024-2027 - provides teachers from the three schools with time, space and support to develop new teaching methods for teaching film theory and film concepts. They do so during the year in a kind of laboratory setting within their own school, and also meet twice a year with the teachers from the other two schools to exchange ideas, insights and plans and to practice designed workshop formats. By the end of the three years, a range of new types of workshops will thus have been developed and made available to the entire field of film schools.

Background to the project is the observation that although we live in a world where we are not only surrounded by images and sound but also communicate with each other mainly through audiovisual media (social media, TikTok, YouTube, memes, ...), the dominant way of transferring knowledge is still one of written and spoken words. And that this is also the case in film schools despite the fact that film students are often more visually than verbally inclined. The need for pedagogical teaching practices that are more embodied and more hands-on and experiential is obvious.

In this way, the FILMED project aims to create learning environments and curricula that are inclusive and innovative, with the aim of making students more skilled, critical and responsible in their use of audiovisual media.

Łódź Filmschool in Polen
HDK Valand in Gothenborg
