An Unforgettable Farewell

When you lose a loved one to suicide, you’re often left behind with plenty of unanswered questions. This film follows the process of Cláudio, who unexpectedly lost his best friend on new year's Eve. Hoping to find answers, he talks with people how they deal with suicide and their loved ones who consider this.

A short documentary about the unanswered questions you’re left behind with after a loved one unexpectedly decides to commit suicide.

This film was made in coproduction with Hum



Length (min.)



Director Cláudio de Oliveira Marques
Producer Denise van den Hoek, Bente Mars
Cinematography Michel Rosendaal
Sound recordist Freek Vrijhof
Sound design Ruben Dekker, Karlijn Hendriksen
Sound mixer Leonardo Fontana Balparda
Editor Nikki Gorissen
Visual effects supervisors Aron Fels, Tommy Jansen
Visual effects artist Johnny Roek
Composer Maryna Boiko

Sebastiaan Beens, Sascha Boer, Iris Faasse, Jacob Boer, Marline Brink



project by
  • Michel Rosendaal
  • Maryna Boiko
  • Karlijn Hendriksen
  • Ruben Dekker
  • Cláudio de Oliveira Marques
  • Denise van den Hoek
  • Aron Fels
  • Bente Mars
  • Leonardo Fontana Balparda
  • Freek Vrijhof
  • Tommy Jansen
  • Johnny Roek
  • Nikki Gorissen
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