Free to Work / Fondata sul lavoro (work in progress)
With this project, Agnese Cornelio won the AHK Graduation Prize 2014
Fondata sul lavoro is a documentary project about the changes in the work system and the vision behind it during the last 30 years via the testimony of its main actors, the workers. It is based on interviews with Italian workers who moved to the Netherlands in the last 40 years. They re-tell their history, giving a visible form, or body, to their memories through the re-enactment of their work gestures.
The decision to migrate is often explained in relation to the increased flexibility of the individual, the same flexibility that in recent years has come to be demanded of every worker. So the film follows people who have done different jobs and shows how the transition from one job to the next is often a way to re-affirm their individuality. When they first move to another place, the men and women responded to social and political changes; migration allowed them to continue to work in the way they wished. Upon that first movement often followed other attempts to change, as a reaction to challenging working conditions.
- Jaar
- Lengte (min.)
- Crew
director Agnese Cornelio
producer Netherlands Film Academy / freetowork
camera Stefano Bertacchini, Friso B. Pankonin
editors Jelena Rosic, Marco De Stefanis
sound Rob van de Schootbrugge
starring Massimo Benvegnù, Eros Capostagno, Gianluigi Clemente, Antonio Cogoni, Luisella Premoli, Paola Raffaini, Gino Scalzo, Antonio Serao, Filippo Zulianigenre documentary
language Italian with English subtitles
countries of production the Netherlands, Italy- Website
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