Junction of the Eyes - on the performativity of looking and image-making

by Annelieke Holland

Research & project

Junction of the Eyes is an artistic research journey by interdisciplinary artist Annelieke Holland. Through an experiment-driven approach, the research operates at the intersection of performance, film and expanded cinema.

Junction of the Eyes explores performative modes of image making: To do, to undergo, to look. Acts of recording, framing, observing, the act of posing, staging, receiving one's look and the act of spectating are all explored as gestures that contribute equally to the meaning of images. Through this process, what gets revealed is not necessarily the image itself, but the relation that emerges between the one producing and receiving the image.

Movement practices, family archives and photographs from a past relationship all become material through which to investigate acts of looking and recording. By doing so Annelieke revisits memories, intimate relations and cultural sites for spectatorship - all through the lens of giving and receiving gazes.

From Junction of the Eyest wo distinct yet unified practices emerge: Performing the Spectator and Performing the Archive.

Annelieke Holland

Annelieke Holland

Master of Film

Annelieke Holland is a performer, theatre director and video artist, based in Amsterdam. She graduated from The Netherlands leading theaterschool Toneelacademie Maastricht in 2017, where she majored in Performance.
In recent years, Annelieke lived and worked between Amsterdam and Morocco where she joined the Queens Collective Marrakech and supervised solo projects at the MBO Theaterschool in Rotterdam, before entering the master programme.Annelieke's work is shown at the European Media Art Festival, Festival Cement, Le 18 Marrakech and Eye Amsterdam, amongst others.

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