Arrested Time & the Fragility of Being
by Astrid van NimwegenResearch & project
Astrid van Nimwegen's film and video-art projects explores in a slow, observant way the animal-human relationship and how we share spaces with domesticated companions. Through duration, repetition and stillness she creates an attentive mode of looking, to connect with renewed attention on an instinctive and intuitive level beyond logocentric understanding. There is a thin line between caring for animals, nature and each other and the violence with which that care ends through human domination and the usurped right to kill. Her work stems from a personal deep lonesomeness with which she observes the world around her. With her video installations she builds space for universal emotions that can be felt by all of us if we dare to be vulnerable.
Astrid van Nimwegen
Astrid van Nimwegen is a visual artist and filmmaker based in the Netherlands. Her work is characterized by an exploration of companion species, unfolding time and the complex dynamic between human and non-human animals. Through her practice, she creates non-logocentric, non-narrative works to highlight the present moment, frozen time and the lives of animals. Van Nimwegen's work searches for an alternative infrastructural system, striving for equality in humans, animals and nature relationships. Van Nimwegen observes the animal-human relationship to open up a space for contemplation, intimacy and coexistence of different temporalities.