David Wasch

David Wasch (Amsterdam, 1987) graduated in 2013 at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy as a multi-disciplinary artist, investigating the position and meaning of painting in relation to the technical and intrinsic aspects of collage. Because of his graduation work he was nominated for the Young Blood Award 2013. A year later his interest shifted to the material borders of the moving image in relation to his experience of the physical reality outside of the frame.


'Opening up different angles of a potential reality in relation to the position of the image and the spectator.'
David Wasch

Artist statement

My research questions the boundaries of the image in relation to the spectator. When does our position change reality and when does reality change our position? How do we construct a reality and when do we make it our own? My research is an ongoing play between the material and the immaterial image - the physical object and the mind. When a person disappears off-frame, he doesn't fall off the screen, but disappears in time.

I see the image as a tool and a mirror to navigate through different ways of understanding. It is by framing things differently - by imagining other possible analogies and other ways of translating analogies from case to case - that we break the bounds of closed ideas that narrowly circumscribe what we allow to be possible. The continuously transforming play within my research is not to find meaning, but rather to see the movement of meaning. 

spectatorship, position, frame, body, image, analogy

Inside nature, outside the square

Within my research I float from experiment to experiment and from question to question. I move through different types of media like photography, video, drawing and writing and use their materiality as vehicles of translation. Through my research I explore the ideas of framing, positioning and spectatorship as tools of material experimentation as well as existential subject matter. The experiments are a play between the image and the spectator. By breaking up the image in different frames, the spectator has the possibility to change position and to see things differently.

Inside nature, outside the square
research installation

The research installation is a spatial get-together of experiments; you are invited to catch fragments of conversations between images that seem familiar but are new at the same time. It is a meeting point and an ongoing dialogue between the material and the immaterial image - the physical object and the mind. The outcome of the experiments (the images and the objects) create new potential realities for the viewer who's invited to actively spectate. The installation revolves around the question: When does our position change reality and when does reality change our position? 
