Does the Master of Film provide accommodation?

Unfortunately, neither the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) nor the Netherlands Film Academy currently offer student accommodation in Amsterdam.

If you're offered a place at the MA programme, you will need to arrange for accommodation yourself.

Finding accommodation

As in other major European cities, the demand for reasonably priced student housing in Amsterdam is very high. It is a challenge to find suitable accommodation, and therefore it is important to arrange your accommodation as soon as possible.

We recommend that you register with the local student housing website as soon as you arrive.

Student union ASVA provides general information on renting a room in Amsterdam, as well as acting as a mediator between students and landlords.

Amsterdam’s International Student Network (ISN Amsterdam) has a ‘live and work’ forum where you can place an ad if you are looking for a room or a flatmate. More information on or check ISN's Facebook page.

Housing information on the website of the City of Amsterdam:

Register as an "Amsterdammer"

Once you have signed a rent contract it is important to register with the municipality of Amsterdam. When you leave take the time to unregister as well, this can be done through the internet, if you have a digID-code.

If you don't do this it could result in serious problems and fines.

More housing websites
